New Mobile Photography Workshops

While I would love to be able to get back to face-to-face mobile photography workshops and hit the streets on photo walks, for the moment we have to continue offering the workshops online. 

I am excited to announce that I have a number of mobile photography workshops coming up in the next few months. 

2 two-hour workshops with the Glucksman Gallery

The series of mobile photography workshops with the Gallery of Photography in May are sold out, but I have a short series of two workshops with the Glucksman Gallery on Saturday, May 15 and 22 from 11 – 1 pm. The two workshops allow participants put into practice what we are learning in the intervening week and to get feedback on the images they produce on their smartphones. 

Beyond the basics – a follow-on mobile photography workshops with the Gallery of Photography

Over 4 Tuesdays in June (8, 15, 22 & 29) I am offering a series of workshops focussing on bringing your mobile photography to the next level. These sessions will make you more confident in gaining manual control of your smartphone camera, understanding its settings and getting the exposure you want. We will look at the art of seeing and from it composing engaging and visually dynamic photographs in a variety of settings from both nature and the man-made world. We will also learn how to anticipate a decisive moment and how to get over your fears of photographing strangers and work towards producing a series of storytelling images. Throughout the course I will provide 1-to-1 feedback on our images and the series will culminate in presenting a series of images that you have worked on creating during the workshops. More details here.

Then in July, I am offering the regular series of 4 90-minute workshops with the Gallery of Photography. Again, these are designed for all levels and by the end of the series you will be more confident in getting the most from your smartphone camera and from the individualised feedback I offer on the photographs you create you will have photos to be proud to share and print.

You can sign up for the Gallery of Photography workshops here

For the Glucksman Gallery workshops, please email:

You can read about previous participants’ experiences on the workshops here

Any questions, just drop me a mail via the contact page